1 (725) 312-2762

Simply put, your hunt for female companionship led you here. Taking time to research your options is wise, and if you are seeking a Craigslist girl, you will not find one such girl here. And that is a good thing. Vegas escorts we refer occupy a higher status in society because they are licensed outcall entertainers with the qualities men should demand. There are varying degrees of sophistication and professional conduct among escorts in Las Vegas, and we are here to furnish men with a sidekick who is anything but ordinary. Anyone referred by Bunnies of Las Vegas can be trusted to be equal to the exclusive independent girls who are commanding the highest dollars for their presence. You will not find anyone who rivals our knockouts’ looks, professionalism and personality when you trust the personalized stripper services provided here.

The most expensive escorts in Vegas have nothing more to offer than the demure, striking ladies profiled here. The only difference is cost and exclusivity. On the opposite end of the spectrum are the aforementioned Craigslist girls. While you could find a worthwhile entertainer among Vegas escorts on Craigslist, the odds of this happening are exceedingly slim. Save Craigslist for when you need to unload a living room couch or find a guy to clean your gutters. When your well-being is part of the mix, involving Craigslist in your hunt for female attention is irresponsible. Naturally, we would love for you to select one of our entertainers to bestow a sexy interlude, but if we are not your choice, please use any outlet other than Craigslist. It was never the ideal source for companionship, and as the online platform evolved, it became less so.

The following information is intended to provide particulars about the types of Craigslist girls Vegas area visitors can expect to find when using the site to search for companionship, room service girls or any sort of romantic involvement. Free ads are attractive to scammers, and posting in casual encounters does not cost a dime. This means many who are looking to swindle others take advantage of the no-cost marketing and the anonymity. Even if your intention is to discover someone normal among women seeking men in Vegas, and not a Craigslist escort, you must be aware of the ways in which men before you have been deceived by seemingly normal, upstanding women, who proved to be anything but.

Who Are Craigslist Girls?

Craigslist girls come in many forms. A Craigslist girl is technically any woman posting and/or responding to ads on the site. In Las Vegas Craigslist girls are most usually women who work as independent escorts in Vegas. With millions of tourists touching down in America’s Playground every year, escorting remains a huge industry here. There are VIPs who cater to men who refuse to cut corners, and there are fly-by-night ladies who use sources for free escort ads, such as Craigslist.Backpage is another popular place for questionable entertainers to advertise their services. These ladies may place an ad on a Monday, and have already moved on by the end of the week. The turnover is outrageous, but more importantly, the character of such women is unverified.

Solo male travelers often resort to Craigslist personals to find a plus one for a fling or just a meaningful night out on the town. Nothing wrong with that, as long as they realize finding such a woman is rare, and even more rare in this city. An tiny sect of ladies posting ads on Craigslist personals are genuine and honestly searching for interesting men to eventually meet in person for a public date or private interlude. Of course, such women are rare finds. You may experience success if you are hunting in your home city for a mate, because you have time on your side, but do you have moments to spare to scan W4M Craigslist personals while on vacation? Probably not. If the small number of genuine women are taken out of the equation, what remains? The answer to that is women with an angle. If you have thumbed through Craigslist personals in the past, you have likely encountered an ad, or a response to an ad you placed, that ends up asking you to head to another website or mentioning spending money for a meeting. What a letdown!

If you are hoping to meet a woman in person, the last thing you want to do is watch someone disrobed on webcam! When you trade messages with a Craigslist girl, you cannot even be certain it is a female on the other end of the correspondence. There are men in America and abroad who are trained to perform the job of shill for unscrupulous companies who skirt legalities when running online dating scams. Oftentimes, the person on the other end is a male who has been trained to write in flirty tone, or he simply works from a provided script.

A typical Craigslist personals scam involves a seemingly sincere female asking guys to join a dating verification site. The individual claims it is a safe platform for the purpose of verifying a man’s authenticity, and before she agrees to meet, she would be more comfortable if he joins. Of course, once an unsuspecting gent follows his love interest to the alleged safe dating site, he is prompted to provide a credit card number, and he never corresponds with the intriguing woman again because she vanishes. Also, free sites often charge a man’s card after he has carelessly agreed to the terms of service without reading them. Top rule here is never agree before reading, as some things must be perused. Any sort of secondary site one heads to after meeting a woman on Craigslist personals should be suspect from minute one.

If you decide to try your luck with Vegas Craigslist personals, or such ads in your home city, here are a few tips to assist you in dodging fraudulent online dating practices:

Grammar Speaks Volumes Ads that sound like they were not written by a native English speaker probably were not written by a native English speaker. Do not be quick to deem a lady as being exotic if she has no command of the English language. More times than not, poor grammar and sentence structure indicate an international scammer.

Knockouts Need Not Apply Sorry, guys, if she looks like a Victoria’s Secret model, she is not going to be posting her photo on local Craigslist personals. Sure, beautiful women utilize online dating, but Craigslist comprises the lowest common denominator of the online dating community. If her picture appears to be airbrushed, safely assume her persona is embellished as well.

Location Is Key If a Craigslist girl does not include her location, she may not be a fake, but she could be. A good way to weed out frauds is to ask a subtle location-specific question. Such questions trip up people in remote locations.

Incognito Email When responding to ads, use a dummy email address. Doing so protects your identity, should you make an error in judgement and fall for a phony before you recognize the ruse. The last thing you need is your personal or work email being spammed with inappropriate ads, or worse.

Do the Math If you meet someone who looks great on paper, with the perfect pedigree, including an impressive education and career, yet she says she lacks the technology to video chat, call or text, something is amiss.

Overall, one is smart to think of worthwhile Craigslist girls as a long-shot. As stated, real women posting and replying to ads are elusive, and they receive a glut of responses from males hoping to woo them and convince them to meet. If you end up on the winning side of the equation and receive a reply from one of these rarities, it will only have happened after you dedicate yourself to the hours required to find her. In your quest to unearth a gem, be sure to avoid scams by heeding any and all warning signs. Do not act too fast out of frustration. Scammers know odds are stacked against men, and they prey on that vulnerability.

History of Craigslist Adult Services

Craigslist casual encounters section is alive and well, and manyindependent escorts in Las Vegas promote themselves there. However, a surplus of scams and unlawful practices can be found on the site. That information alone should be enough to dissuade anyone from utilizing casual encounters to secure time with an entertainer. Before casual encounters was the seediest section of Craigslist, there were other sections which garnered much more unfavorable attention, as they were very similar to today’s Backpage ads.

Initially, upon its inception in 1995, Craigslist was an online mailing list used to relay information to San Francisco Bay Area residents about upcoming events. Information was mostly geared toward software and Internet developers and was sent by Craigslist founder Craig Newmark. In 1996, it became a web-based service and offered classified categories for users to post messages on their own. The site was especially popular among tech companies looking to connect with job-seekers to fill vacant positions.

In 2000, Craigslist began expanding to other American cities and eventually broadened to offer general classifieds. Part of the site’s swell was the addition of erotic services, but it did not take long for lawmakers and the public to recognize the flaws with free erotic service advertising. Concern grew over the site being advantageous to traffickers and abusive pimps. There was no way to track who posted ads to the site, essentially making it a tool for illegal practices within the adult industry’s underbelly. Craigslists' erotic services section was taken to task, and under pressure from state prosecutors, the site was revamped to alter charges for placing erotic services ads, and require a valid credit card and working phone number from anyone placing such an advertisement.

The fee changes failed to do much more than increase the burgeoning Craigslists' profit margins. While the credit card and phone number requirements were intended to track user information needed to locate individuals engaging in criminal activity, there were simple ways around this. Due to easily procurable cash cards, that are accepted just as credit cards, and the availability of prepaid cell phones, illegal activity did not subside. In May 2009, Craigslist publicly announced that it would terminate the erotic services section and replace it with an adult services section that would be reviewed by moderators. However, in September 2010, the adult services section was shut down entirely.

Craigslist Casual Encounters

Upon the termination of the adult services subsection, Craigslist personals became the new outlet for placing free escort ads among pimps and unlicensed entertainers. Such individuals should not be supported or tolerated in any way because city officials go to great lengths to enforce regulations intended to protect residents and visitors. Las Vegas sees a higher number of people attempting to skirt regulations due to the volume of tourists we welcome each year. Upstanding gentlemen seeking a woman’s presence for a night of togetherness should think about all aspects of Craigslist casual encounters before agreeing to meet anyone in person. Saying such arrangements are risky is an understatement.

Online searches for casual encounters gone awry, yield a surplus of alarming results. From arrest reports, to accounts of physical harm, there seems to always be something in the news from cities all over the country, and Las Vegas casual encounters is no exception. Casual encounters was intended to be a place for like-minded adults to facilitate a mature connection, not a business arrangement. Given the no-cost aspect, of course Craigslist girls are not all going to be progressive women looking for a one-off rendezvous. There are women there who advertise their services, or in worst case scenarios, are promoted by pimps. Age-verification is non-existent.

Every year, many well intentioned men who are looking for a college-aged entertainer find themselves on the wrong side of the law when they are hoodwinked by someone promoting an individual who has yet to reach the age of eighteen. When these cases are heard by a judge, there is never a free pass for those who were deceived, nor should there be. In these cases, it does not matter if one was lied to, and that should frighten anyone thinking about meeting a Craigslist girl who has not been age-verified. If you refuse to heed warnings to avoid Craigslist personals altogether, do not ignore any indicators of underhanded practices. This is to keep you safe and to also keep you from perpetuating such heinous crimes.

Migration to Backpage

The birth of Backpage happened in 2004, years before Craigslist girls and their associates lost their Craigslist adult services advertising source. However, when the major changes took place at Craigslist, it did not take long for Backpage to become a haven for the same types of ads. Much like its predecessor, Backpage offered general online classifieds, but also maintained an Adult Services section. After the company’s CEO, Carl Ferrer, and former owners and founders, Michael Lacey and James Larkin, were charged with conspiracy to commit pimping, the Backpage Adult Services section remained online. Those opting to associate themselves with this section on Backpage are taking a gamble, even if they respond to ads in the Dating section.

Backpage and Craigslist girls do not differ, as they normally rank among the least trustworthy adult entertainers in Las Vegas. Most are not licensed outcall entertainers and fail to meet standards set by the city. They are almost always lacking in professionalism, but more importantly, few offer an elite sort of in-call amusement that men can be sure is safe and legal. When a gentleman relies on private stripper services from Bunnies of Las Vegas, he can be confident in his selection. There are no uncertainties, just stunning displays of female sensuality. Do not follow an uncertain path to attain the female attention you crave, when a much more secure alternative awaits. Browse our gallery of glowing beauties, and imagine your selection arriving to your door with an open mind and a broad set of outstanding skills certain to captivate and enchant.

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For the finest girlfriend experience, or GFE in Vegas, our show-stoppers are the preeminent option. From hitting a popular Vegas party pool, to stowing away in a cozy restaurant booth, you can enjoy an outdoor excursion during your top-shelf girlfriend experience. Making a statement with a hottie by your side is a common want among influential men, and we make this sort of engagement possible for men from all walks of life. In the realm of travel expenditures, one is usually pleased to learn that meeting a well-rated Vegas escort does not break the bank. Furthermore, when working with Bunnies of Las Vegas, men and couples find the value from the moment their entertainer arrives. Companions selected to be represented by us exist to make fantasy a reality for people from all over the world. Doing so with flair is their trademark.

Introducing Your Sexy Alternative

If you find yourself in Sin City looking for a fantastic time with a lady in person, we suggest you look into private stripper services. There are a few options for local outcall entertainers, and our long-standing presence here has made Bunnies of Las Vegas a tradition in town. When one of our bombshells arrives to meet a discerning gent, she gives every performance her all. Her body will be perfection, and her disposition, delightful. There is nothing quite like a vixen doting on you when you crave female attention. Give us a call to find out what we can do to make today stand out in your mind after you have departed our area. We can be reached here, via email: or by phone at 1 (725) 312-2762. Inquiring does not obligate you to invite a Vegas stripper to your room. We are happy to respond to your queries, then let you make a choice that is right for you.

Vegas strip clubs do not offer this degree of personalized entertainment, and frankly, neither do Las Vegas brothels. Perhaps you have heard of such establishments and are curious about their offerings. At these ranches, the entire engagement is impersonal and far too much like a business transaction, rather than a healthy dose of eye candy and erotic wonder. Most visitors falsely believe that there are brothels on the Strip. There is no such place, as the nearest establishment is over an hour-long car ride away. Since most men can only afford to spend about thirty minutes at these expensive, remote locales, that is a huge chunk of vacation spent on an endeavor that may or may not live up to the hype.

If you want to arrange female entertainment at your hotel, the most efficient way to make this happen is to give us a call, allowing us to send a discreet entertainer to your door. As she peels clothing off of her mouthwatering form, expect your senses to be heightened. We are prepared to deliver excellence, 365 days per year, anytime of the day or night. When you are on vacation, convenience is a factor, so why not leap at the chance to savor unsurpassed sensuality without having to leave your room? If the night’s end is near, and you find yourself hungering for one final hurrah, there is no finer indulgence than meeting a spellbinding woman from Bunnies of Las Vegas.

Gentlemen, when you are staying and playing away from home, common sense is key, and above all else, we hope we have pointed out the faults in finding a Las Vegas Craigslist girl to join you. There are many alternatives, some better than others. To keep your well-being intact while you delight in the female form, we encourage you to browse the Vegas escort profiles here, to enlighten yourself about the merits of a VIP engagement. There is no request too large or too small, so allow us to usher you into today’s top Vegas entertainment, via a clandestine appointment with a private stripper who works to make your day one to remember.